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For wholesalers who want to sell more

Care to Change the World

For wholesalers

Within the European Social Label, and there also with European Corporate Social Responsibility, services and products are placed in the same category for the sake of simplicity. Here, the focus is rather on the selling factor rather than a service or product description. In our corporate culture, wholesalers are called portal companies, which means that companies join a portal to sell more or buy products that then go out to customers or consumers. We know that today there is a strong need for primarily clear environmental work within CSR and we also believe that most portals use this to a greater or lesser extent as long as it is not an obstacle to regular operations. 

EUSL and ECSR would like to be involved and participate in several portals where affiliated companies take a great deal of social responsibility. We believe that thanks to this, they increase their own turnover by being able to show a form of responsibility that their competitors cannot show. For this reason, EUSL wants to act as a corresponding eco-label but within social responsibility, a so-called social label where you as wholesalers make clear demands on the retailers who in turn can sell more because they develop the brand in a sustainable and positive direction. We can assist you with good payment alternatives without any lower limit, where we have seen that many require at least SEK 3,000 as the minimum purchase that works cross-border, so-called transnational trade, which follows our reasoning around the fourth industrial revolution. 

Of course, a wholesaler must pave the way for the good example of where membership of the European Social Label is needed. In addition to this, it is about a clear but simple set of requirements for the dealers. Contact us if you are interested in taking part in our portal program for wholesalers.